26 December


"When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O LORD God Almighty." Jeremiah 15:16 NIV

It's always important to read and study the Bible. I know how some people feel about reading the Bible; they know it's something they should do, but they don’t especially relish reading it, and they put it off as long as possible. It doesn’t have to be like that, because the Bible is the sweetest Book to read. It has all the action films, comedies, soap operas, romantic and love stories, dramas, news, reality shows, music, travel and even documentaries. For those who are willing to make the effort to understand it, the Bible is more than just a source of knowledge. It’s also a source of great joy and delight.

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2. That’s what the Word does. It transforms us and gives us joy. The word of God is simple enough to be enjoyed by a child, and at the same time, deep enough to reward a lifetime of dedicated study. A three-year old can grasp the story of Jonah and the whale, and a Ph.D. in theology can spend a lifetime trying to fathom how God could become a man. The Bible rewards even a few minutes a day of reading, it has an inexhaustible supply of treasures for those who are more diligent.

God’s Word hasn’t changed. When we continue seeking God in His Word, He can give us the same kind of joy and delight that Jeremiah knew. Don't think reading the Bible is just a duty, no! It's a Joy and a Delight. It will give us delight because it is a book about the God we love, and on every page is written His love for us.

Further Scripture Study: Psalms 119:72 

Declare This: Dear Lord, Your Word is all I need to live a successful and prosperous life. I won't see Your Word as a burden but rather a source of Joy and Grace to me in Jesus name Amen.

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