13 May


Sitting in the bank lobby waiting for an account officer to attend to me, Even though I needed to hurry up and leave to attend to other matters I just had to wait till he was ready to attend to me. Some of us are like that with God. We find it hard to wait on Him when we ask him for a request. What is that request you are asking for? Don't be in a hurry with God. Take a chill pill (a verse of scripture) and be confident that what he has promised to do He will do.
As a Christian, it is your responsibility to learn how to wait on the Lord, Psalms 27:14 says "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." Waiting on Him helps build your faith, increases your ability and strength, and He will honor you to inherit all you want and desire. It is your responsibility not to be anxious or lose hope on all that he has promised. Philippians 4:6 says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God". I know the God that I serve, He is not a late God so learn to wait on Him like a pro!

01 January


Not that we are sufficiently qualified in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency and qualifications come from God. 2 Corinthians 3:5 Amp

The Bible from the very beginning records it’s Victories, Blessings and the battles (From Adam & Eve, Noah, Moses, Joshua, Jehoshaphat, David, Samson, kings, and prophets etc). Almost all of the mentioned did not depend on their abilities but depended on All-Sufficient God Almighty. The all-sufficiency of God is the essence of all Christian experience, it has been the support of the faithful in all ages of the Church.

You know, 2020 started as a new decade and a new decade comes with its blessings and its challenges. We all face trials and battles - perhaps in our job, our family life, battles against temptation, against thoughts of worry, battles for mental or physical health, battles with the system, as well as spiritual battles. Through it all, we fought a good fight and kept the faith. The Grace of God was sufficient for us all and His sufficiency carried us through. With the consciousness of His Sufficiency, He has promised to sustain you and I this New year. 

The sufficiency of God may be considered either as proper or communicative. By His proper sufficiency I mean that He is "Self-Existent, Self-Sufficient & Self-Creator". A great Minister of the Bible by name Dr. Vance Havner quoted "Our efficiency without God's Sufficiency is only a deficiency"; this is so true because without the help of the Holy Spirit, you can never successfully live a victorious and triumphant life.

Make up your mind this year never to depend on your ability or might, but rather rely totally on God's provision because His Sufficiency knows no limits, and no mountain or wall can stop Our "Self Sufficient God". This year 2021, God is sufficient for you in your vision, wisdom, peace, finances, marriage, family, health, promotion, business, job, prayer life, spiritual life, your ministry, faith, worship and your study life. Our adequacy comes from God alone. God Bless you.

Further Scripture Study - 2 Corinthians 9:8; Philippians 4:13; Job 20:22; Proverbs 3:9; Ephesians 3:20; Acts 17:24-26.

Declare This - I declare and broadcast into 2021, that the position and the level of greatness I never dreamt of will manifest in my life without hesitation. The letter of Joy I have been expecting will locate me and my expectations will not be cut short this new year in Jesus name Amen.


I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. 2 Tim 4:7

2020 starts a new decade and a new decade comes with its blessings and its challenges. In life, we all face trials and battles - perhaps in our job, our family life, battles against temptation, against thoughts of worry, battles for mental or physical health, battles with the system, as well as spiritual battles. Whatever fight we face, the Bible reveals the key strategy to experience victory. 

The Bible from the very beginning records it’s Victories, Blessings and the battles (From Adam & Eve, Noah, Moses, Joshua, Jehoshaphat, David, Samson, kings, prophets etc). Almost all of the mentioned did not depend on their abilities but depended on God Almighty. Our Lord Jesus Christ faced battles before His dead and His disciples also faced battles too. 

To God be praised, Jesus dead and fought the victory on our behalf. He is the winning strategy because He is Alive forevermore. Even though, we have won the victory, as long as this life is concerned..we are still faced with daily battles and fights (Ephesians 6:10-18). Paul battled greatly (2 Corinthians 11:25-28), but at the end he declared "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith".

The Good Fight is a fight of faith. It means to say yes and Amen to the plans of God for your life without wavering in obedience or hesitating with fear. It means to stand firmly anchored in the Word, anchored in the power of the Spirit, reckoning ourselves dead to our feelings and our human reasoning, not letting sin rule in our mortal body by obeying its lusts. It means to stand in the face of opposition and remain confident that the Lord can and will deliver you. It is not a fight against God but rather a struggle against the world system, the flesh and our own self-will. 

Fighting the Good Fight of faith is not so much hostile combat against a physical enemy, but rather rising to a challenge of the Christian life and confidently taking hold of the eternal life that is ours in Christ. Seize hold of every opportunity, trusting His all-sufficient grace to bring you through by faith. 


Further Scripture Study: 2 Chronicles 20:1-30; 1 Tim 6:12

Declare This: Dear Father, my life is in You Lord and everything i have is yours. I declare 2020 is my year of the goof fight and I'm prepared, positioned, strengthened, resolved, to win and be triumphant in all I do. I am seizing every opportunity and trusting in You for solutions because I trust in Your all-sufficient grace for my life in Jesus name Amen

31 December


"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." Ephesians 6:10 KJV

As believers in Christ we are engaged in spiritual warfare, whether we want to be or not. This is why Apostle Paul is telling the brethren to be strong in the Lord and to equip themselves at all times for battle. The word in which we get ‘be strong’ literally means to receive strength. It is not your strength that equips you to stand; it is God’s strength invested in us when we submit to Him. That is why James 4:7-8 tells us that the power of resisting is found through submitting to God. The devil does not flee from your power, but from God’s power within us that overcomes him. We have the promise that when we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. 

If we are going to truly give the devil hell and defeat him and his strategies against us, we better make sure that we are strong in the Lord. It’s not one of submission, love and getting along, but it’s one of fighting and winning. Satan is not a nice guy, he won’t hesitate to kick you when you’re down. He will always look for weaknesses in you and will do his best to exploit them. This is why Paul made this statement to the Ephesian Church. Paul had gone through several battles, persecutions and trials in his life but through it all, he kept on winning. He knew it wasn't by his power nor by might but by the power of God's might.

To stay strong also means to "stand firm and remain courageous". If we are going to be strong in the Lord, you have to know there is an enemy that is stronger than your physical abilities and the only way to defeat him is in the strength of the Lord. You have to stay strong, stand firm and be strengthened with the Strength of the Lord Jesus Christ. On that name you have all strength required to win everyday. 

Further Scripture Study: 1 Corinthians 15:57-58

Declare This: Dear Father, my life is in You Lord and everything I have is Yours. I choose to stay strong always against the tricks of the evil one and I stand strengthened with Your strength in me everyday in Jesus name Amen.

30 December


"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah." Psalms 68:19 KJV

It almost sounds too good to be true, how much God wants to bless His people. When we make up our minds to consistently follow God, we will receive His blessings constantly upon our lives, so much that your storage is always loaded. The opening verse started with a phrase “Blessed be the Lord” this means an act of worship, humility and reverence to God. If you want anything from God, you will always reverence and humble yourself. 

When a person decides to trust God and put Him to the test, be rest assured that He will do exactly what He promised. He makes all things beautiful and releases every good thing to those who follow Him. 

The word "Benefits" means profits, compensations and rewards. So on a daily basis, you can receive as much benefits as you can carry because there is enough for each day. It is God’s nature to bless His children, He does not keep books or ledgers on the blessings that He gives to us. If He did we would owe Him more than we even think we did. With God's blessings its impossible to overdraft your account.

As long as you are born again, you are a son or daughter of the Most High God and He does not just call you His son or daughter, He also calls you “an heir” through Christ. Which means you are entitled to His Blessings. You have complete access to the inheritance and as a joint heir with Christ Jesus, you inherit everything that He is.

Further Scripture Study: Ephesians 1:3; Galatians 4:7

Declare This: Dear Father, thank You for the complete access to Your inheritance. I claim and place a demand on it everyday in Jesus name Amen.

29 December


"But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14 NIV

The Lord Jesus had an encounter with a woman by the well in Samaria and they had a very fruitful discussion. After the meeting, the woman was transformed from her old life to a brand new person. One thing for sure is that when you encounter Jesus, the first thing that happens is; you will be confronted with the truth about who you are. Jesus told the woman about her life, she liked men and her moral life was the joke of the community. 

Jesus knew the truth about her, and forced her to see and admit the truth about herself. This is the way it is when we come into contact with God, suddenly His light shines on us and reveals the truth about us, then we understand that He sees us as we really are. When the real us is exposed by God, we have to admit the truth.

When you encounter Jesus, you will never thirst again, brokenness goes, temptation and the wrong habit dissipates, anxiety leaves, boldness and confidence increases, healing manifests, favor becomes your name and His Grace is released in abundance. Have a daily encounter with Him, it's to your advantage. When you do, He will load you with benefits daily.

Further Scripture Study: Psalms 68:19 

Declare This: Dear Father, my life is in You and everything I require comes from You. I will always call upon You daily and I will not depend on my own abilities but on You Lord. I will continue to always drink from the well that never runs dry in Jesus name Amen.

28 December


"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

We live in a world of fear - fear of terrorism, inadequacy, disease, financial insecurity, and the unknown. Paul in prison writes to help and encourage Timothy about fear. There is no fear in God, He has given us power, love and a sound mind. Fear here means I have an awesome reverence and respect for God's awesome Power. I don’t want to do things my way, I want to do it His way because His way results in Power. 

True power comes from outside of self and it comes from turning self over to God. Not what I can do; but, what God can do through me. God has given us power to face everyday life and the Greek word for power here is "Dunamis"; it speaks of divine energy. God has given us the same power that raised Jesus from the dead to enable us to focus on our heavenly Father, not circumstances. When we waver or are apprehensive, it is because our focus is on ourselves and not the limitless power of God given to us.

God gave Jesus all the power and as long as you have the Holy Spirit in you, you carry this same power. This kind of power will destabilize any arrow the devil tries to throw at you and it carries you when your strength seem low. With the Spirit of power, you can never miss out on the joy of life.

Further Scripture Study: Matthew 28:18 

Declare This: Dear Lord, thank You for the Holy Spirit who lives in me. I carry His Divine energy in me to do all I have to and to fulfill Your purpose in my life in Jesus name Amen.