19 October


"Then you will "call on Me" and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice] and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12 AMP

Do you have a cell phone? I'm sure you do. We carry it everywhere we go (in our pockets, purses & bags), we flip through it several times a day, we turn back to go get it if we forgot it, we travel with it, we make and receive calls; all this and many other functions too. The sad side of it is that the cell phone is a form of distraction that has led to so many unwanted endings (Accidents, death, failure etc). 

If you are going to receive or make a call with it, the phone has to have a connection signal that helps make the call go through. When there is no connection, you are limited to communication with friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances etc. This is the same with God, when you call Him, you can be rest assured that the signal is forever up. He will always answer you, just like the opening verse above, when you call on the name of the Lord, He will hear your voice and listen to you. It is your responsibility to call.

To ensure the battery life of your cell phone is charged, you have to plug it to a source of power to charge it. Same goes to the Christian, when you want to stay connected and be constantly full, you have to be plugged into The Source God. He will always fill your tank up, as long as you stay in total connection with Him. The amount of time you call on God will determine the amount of God you want in you. 

Further Scripture Study: John 15:5 AMP

Declare This: Dear Lord, I choose to stay connected to You. You are the Way, Truth & Life I need to remain fully charged always in Jesus name Amen.

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